Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The good, the bad, the gluten

Over the past year, my diet has changed dramatically. At the beggining of 2013, I weighed 110lbs and ate a "healthy" diet. This diet consisted of 50% carbs, 20% fat, and 30% protein. I ate a "massive" 1600 calories a day, and for some, reason, just couldn't gain weight. On top of my pathetic skinny fatness, I had terrible acne, which is extremly deterating on a highschool teenage boy. I was at a lost! I was doing everything "right", yet still wasn't gaining weight! What was I doing wrong?!?!


Perhaps the most deteriating to my health, was my lack of knowledge. Public education had done me wrong. The truth is, many of the foods the FDA insists we gorge ourself with is gosh-darn terrible for us. The worst of all, gluten. Yes, I know many of you carb lovers will give me all this "evidence" that gluten is great for you and how it will change the world. But frankly, you're wrong,

Scientific Research
A 20 year study followed 1000's of scottish children, keeping an extremly detailed record of the food the children ate and their performance through their 20s. The findings: 5% of the population had a gluten intoloerence so severe, that almost none of the 5% went to college. While this number may be small, imagine how many people will never get the oppurtunity to reach their potential, all because they ate bread.

The problem is, the protein gluten looks just like a brain cell. When gluten gets into the bloodstream, the body sees this protein as an enemy, and builds antibodies to attack the protein. Now that gluten is identified as a bad guy, the brain cells are also attacked. This leads to the body litterally killing itself, with the brain at the forefront of the war.

But how does gluten get into the bloodstream?

Another research study done by a great swedish scientist looked at how the stomach digests food. The scientist created a stomach like enviorment and tested different foods. All foods tested completely dissappeared within a few days, except for one, gluten. The protein gluten was completely intact, no matter how long the protein sat in the acid. When gluten goes into the intestines, still fully intact, the protein scratches at the intestinal tract. Over time, the scratches from gluten create "holes" in the digestive intestines, allowing foreign objects, gluten and casein to name a few, into the bloodstream.

The body sees the foreign objects as enemies, and builds antibodies to attack the foreign substances. So now, hundreds of allergies begin to form, because the holes become larger, and more and more foods get into the bloodstream. Before you know it, you have to become a vegan! Now you don't want to become a vegan, do you?

Anthropology View
The human body is extremly mallable. Even so, a human genome takes 10,000 years to change. This means anything the body has not seen for the last 10,000 years is foreign to the body. Milk has been around for about 20,000, meat 100,000. Gluten, on the other hand, has only been around a few 1,000 years. Not only is gluten relatively new to the body, but the type of gluten we have today is not even the same strand we had just 50 years ago. If it takes 10,000 years to change a genome, how is our body supposed to adapt in 50 years? The truth is, it won't! The American government has lied to you! Whole wheat isn't good for you! In fact, its one of the worst things on earth. At least our bodies know what sugar is!

Insulin View
I hand you a candy bar, a piece of white bread, and a piece of whole wheat bread. You look at all three, and hand me the one that has the highest insulin spike. You'll hand me the candy bar, right? Sadly, the candy bar spikes insluin the least. That "healthy" whole wheat piece of bread, spikes insulin as much as the candy bar and white bread combined. When a large amount of insulin is released into the body, the body quickly becomes desensitized to insulin. If the body is desensisitized to insulin, carbs will no longer go into the muscle. Now, all those carbs are turning straight into fat! 

So now you're fat andallergic to everything. How the heck are you going to get out of such a predicament? The only solution, give up gluten. I'm not going to lie, the road won't be easy. There will be hundreds of temptations to give up this "crazy" quest. But in a months time, you'll feel better than ever, and never want to eat gluten again. Since you most likely have a lot of food allergies, I would strongly suggest a very strict paleo diet, slowly entering foods like nuts and raw milk back into the diet one at a time. If you see a reaction with these foods, give it more time. This proccess may very well take upwards of a year, but by the end, you'll look better than ever. 

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